Sports Areal České Petrovice website
The sports area is a skiing and snowboarding centre with family atmosphere and pleasant background, ideal for recreational and beginner skiers and families with children. The centre operates three ski lifts, two rope lifts for the smallest skiers and four downhill slopes. Three of them are provided with technical snow production machinery and two with lighting for night skiing. One of the downhill slopes is prepared in the style of a snow park with jumps and obstacles.
The little skiers can use a children playground with equipment for learning. This playground is used by a skiing and snowboarding school. Next to the bottom station of the ski lift there is a ski and snowboard rent and a service shop where you can have your skis waxed and sharpened. There is also a free parking place on the bottom ski lift station level. The centre also offers accommodation in the middle of the centre. The centre is situated on an important connection of ski running trails between Buková hora - Suchý vrch area and the starting point of the Jiráskova cesta trail by the Zemská brána gate towards the Orlické hory mountain range. This trail is maintained by our centre across about 4 km of its length and we also contribute to maintenance of the ski running circuit Adam: Mladkov - Petrovice - Pastviny.
- Sports equipment: a grass-covered downhill slope, sports teaching and coaching, a children playground, a ski repair shop, zorbing, water stops, sports equipment and outfit rent, summer tubing, an outdoor trampoline, a sloped go-cart circuit, rope slide-swing